On 6-Sep-2004, (Pierre) wrote:
> "mjohns2" > wrote in message . com>...
> > After I noticed I've lost all mt recipes, again, largerly my fault cause I
> > dont have a central place to store them. I'm ready to invest in a compter
> > program, if there isnt a free one that will store my recipes.
> Master Cook. No longer supported by anybody, but easy to find and
> retrieve your favorites. Easy to customize, and add categories and
> personal cookbooks. Can import recipes from any text based document
> as well. I'm going on 8 years with it and does the job for me.
> Moo
> Pierre
Latest version 8 of Mastercook is available online from valuesoft.com for
$19.95. Support at www.valuesoft.com and . Or
write to:
ValueSoft, Inc.
711 S. Pine St.
Wacovia, MN 55387
M&M ("When You're Over The Hill You Pick Up Speed")
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