Dinner Last Night
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Dinner Last Night
> Pan fried pork chop.
> Spinach.
> Red potatoes baked for the schtinkin' JennieO turkey lurky beast, now
> sliced and pan fried in the pork chop drippings - X-cellent spuds
> Same dinner tonight.
That looks very good, Sheldo. Not to criticize but the plate
appears to be a bit dry as in maybe a bit of some kind of sauce
dribbled over parts of the chop and potatoes would be
nice? A mushroom/onion gravy would be my choice.
I actually have touches of TIAD and I'm proud of it. Nothing
better (comfort food) to me than pork chops pan seared to very
brown, then add some cream of mushroom soup to the pan, cover and
simmer until chops are finished. That soup mixed with the pork
flavor is out of control for me. The best of the best combos.
Then that soup stuff acts as a good gravy.
Anyway, main point of responding here was about your potatoes.
You say these were meant for the failed turkey meal and then
saved for this meal.
I'm just wondering what did you both have for dinner the night of
the failed turkey meal? No turkey and you saved the baked
potatoes for the next night. Order out a pizza? ;-D
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