Thread: Lunch today
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Lunch today

Dave Smith wrote:
> It was funny talking to a guy in Tybee Island who couldn't understand
> why anyone would live in a place where it gets cold enough to snow. I
> liked the weather we had there in late Frebruary, but I don't think I
> could stand 100F and 100% humidity.

I live in a fairly mild area (coast of Virginia). We rarely get
snow and when we do, it doesn't last long. For that reason, I
love to see the snow and cheer it on. I do like season changes. I
would not like living in a place where it's always warm and
doesn't snow. I enjoy being inside on a nice cold day. Change
can be a good thing.

A typical summer scenario here is days and days of morning temps
of 85F and 94% humidity. That's bad but what makes it worse is
that early mornings, there is no wind. No breeze at all. I go
out of my house and opening my front door feels like I am walking
into a steamy bathroom where someone just took a long hot shower.
Just walking maybe 40 steps to my van and I'm already sweating.
Now imagine going to work outside in those conditions. It's not
a good thing to do.