Lunch today
On 2018-03-11 4:53 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 3/11/2018 12:47 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> I like having the four seasons.
> snipped
> .Â*Â* A week of
>> winter and snow would satisfy me.
> Yes, I'd take a single 24" snow storm once rather than a half dozen
> smaller ones that leave things a continuous mess.Â* We may be getting
> another 9" of so on Tuesday.Â* I'm ready for spring weather.
> I really liked the 2 weeks of shorts and T shirts I had last month.
Yeah. I am now suffering from what I always dreaded about a southern
winter vacation. It is a lot warmer here than it was before the left for
Georgia, but it is about 40 degrees colder than the near perfect weather
we had down there. Our current temperatures would be great had it not
been for that hot spell down there.