Thread: Drying Mint
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John Misrahi
Posts: n/a

>You can dry it. That's what mint tea is, afterall.
>Or you could make a simple syrup (1:1 water to sugar by volume) and
>steep the mint in it for a few minutes, then store in the
>Or you could put it in a clean bottle with some sugar, cover with
>Vodka, and shake it once a week for a few months.
>Or you could make a bunch of batches of mint ice cream or sorbet.
>Or you could freeze it.
>My guess is, you probably have enough mint to do all the above.
>Greg Zywicki

I think the best mint tea is made from fresh mint leaves. There is a tea
room near me, and also a couple of Maroccan restaurants...and they use fresh
mint along with sugar and hot water. I think the mint syrup or vodka
infusions would work pretty welll...Sorbet or ice cream sounds nice too!
