"Dave Smith" > wrote in message

> On 2018-03-18 6:43 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>>> She allegedly uses up stuff to make room in the freezer all the time. I
>>> may be mistaken, but I don't think she has a stand-alone freezer unit.
>>> If not, it sure sounds like she could benefit from having one. It
>>> wouldn't have to be a particularly large freezer. Mine isn't.
>> My chest freezer broke some years ago. It couldn't take the temp.
>> extremes of the garage. I do have a very small freezer on my little
>> fridge but it doesn't keep a constant temp. so only blue ice goes in
>> there. The fridge doesn't keep a constant temp. either so only things
>> like beverages that don't require refrigeration go in there.
> Temperature extremes? You live in Washington, where it does not get
> extremely hot or extremely cold.
Oh yeah? We had record high heat the other day and broke several records
last summer. This place is not like it used to be. I have used the heat more
this winter than ever before.
The freezer I used to have was supposed to be kept in an area with a
constant temp. and that was approx. 70 degrees. So that thing wouldn't have
even worked in the house since summer temps often exceed that.
Alas I was not told of this when I bought the freezer. Only learned of it
when I got it home and set it up. But... It was a gift so I thought I'd try
it. I go a few years of use out of it so it wasn't a bad deal.
>> Kitchen fridge is a side by side. Very narrow. Won't hold a frozen pizza
>> unless it's a very small one. Mostly what I have in there now are the
>> crustless quiches, breakfast burritos and other heat and eat breakfast
>> foods. This is so my gardener can help himself as he needs to. I also
>> have three loaves of bread dough, some biscuits and frozen treats. A
>> little bit of meat.
> Really? You don't have room for your stuff because it is full of the
> gardener's stuff? Seriously? You probably don't see that the way I do.
I don't want to see *anything* the way *you* do.
I lived alone for many years. And what did I have in my freezer? Quite
often, nothing at all. I was a vegetarian (or almost mostly) during those
years. Bought little to no meat at all. I might have had a little blue ice
but often nothing in terms of food. If I did have anything, it was
croquettes, muffins or biscuits. I once made a huge batch of potsickers and
froze the extra. Those were not vegetarian. Then there was that time when I
was really poor and froze the spaghetti with sauce to take to work to heat
in the microwave. And the time that I bought the vegan frozen meals by Linda
Currently I don't have much at all in the freezer for me alone. There is the
frozen bread dough and the biscuits. Too many biscuits only because I didn't
realize that I had some and bought some more. Those will be used up shortly.
I do like to keep that sort of thing in the colder months in case I get
snowed in. But mostly I have no need for the freezer for myself except for
some blue ice.
>> I do have a very small upright freezer I always try to keep a few things
>> like Oncor or Banquet frozen meats, fish sticks, meatballs and some
>> veggies for stir fry. That freeze will hold perhaps 6 boxes of such
>> proteins and perhaps 6-8 packages of vegetables. I currently have a case
>> of breakfast burritos out there that I know the gardener really wants but
>> he does not know they are there.
> Haha. This is getting better all the time. I was going to say that you
> can't make this stuff up, but apparently you can.
I didn't make it up. I am not going to go out there and take a pic of it but
here's the Amazon listing:
>> Not even sure he knows that I have the freezer. I told him I would get
>> more after some of the other food gets eaten. He just heated a meal of
>> chicken, beans and potatoes.
> I had better put my boots on. It is starting to get deep.
Yeah it is because you're the cause of it all, shit kicker Dave.
>> Part of the problem is that is that I had bought a lot of food for Angela
>> but she moved out and didn't take it. I had hoped that the gardener might
>> eat some of it as it is stuff that I won't eat. It is Mexican stuff but
>> mostly chicken. It would seem that both he and I prefer beef to chicken.
>> Anyway... I got her to take some of the stuff with her the other day.
> Okay, you don't have room because you have a lot of chicken stuff and the
> guy who is getting free food prefers beef??????
Where did I say that I have a lot of chicken? I said that I bought Mexican
stuff that was mostly chicken. Angela took that the other day because I
won't eat any of it and it didn't appear that he would.
> I had made my comment about a person in your position not having freezer
> space allowing for your daughter to be living there. But now a single
> woman with a side by side fridge freezer and a stand up freezer doesn't
> have room in the freezer?????? Really?
She's not living here and the type of side by side I have does not have much
room in either side. I don't need the freezer for myself. Once in a while I
will buy Brewla bars when it's hot. I do have an ice machine. I can live
without those. If I had to, I could make do with the little one. Fact is, I
am making food for others and filling the freezer with what they want to
>> We are to the point now where we are just all going to have to suck it up
>> and eat stuff that we don't necessarily like or like very much.
> Holy shit. You may actually have to eat the food you bought and put in
> your freezer. The horror.
I'm not eating stuff from the freezer. I'll eat the canned stuff. A lot of
the freezer stuff has egg in it and I can't eat that.