>sf > wrote>
>That's too much fuss. Why don't they just put in a stronger
Essentially *price*... the typical weekend griller agonizes enough about the
cost of grills, commercial rotisseries would leave em with coronarys.
Commercial rotisseries use powerful gear driven motors, motor alone costing
perhaps $100 and up, ie.
http://www.bodine-electric.com... and to accentuate
torque the spit is chain driven via sprocket arrangement, exactly like a
bicycle (some with replaceable sprokets for changing rpm)... would easily make
the rotisserie attachment cost as much as the entire grill, and still for large
roasts the spit needs to be counter-balanced.... those teensy fryers you see
spinning at the deli don't really need counter-balancing, not on your home
style rotisserie either, but when one slaps on say a suckling pig then they had
better counter-balance. Stab say a 6-7lb roaster then counter-balancing is
manditory... the pressure on the motor increases exponentially with the
increase in diameter of the 'moment'. If I made it sound like a big deal, it
isn't really (the counter-balance gizmo from Weber is a cinch, once you learn
to adjust it *before* lighting the grill (place the loaded spit in the grooves
but don't push it into the motor hole so it can rotate freely, then remove, set
aside, and light the grill, 99 times out of a 100 further adjustments will not
be necessary, and even if needed during cooking it's a simple matter to fine
tune by shutting the unit down for a minute. With a modicum of practice most
anyone can do the counter-balance thingie without incident. The typical home
grill rotisserie attachment costs about $50, most can afford that, especiallly
weighed against how often one will actually use the thing... most not very
often. I grill a lot, and during all seasons, even in a blizzard, but I use
the rotisserie only about six-eight times a year. But no matter, I still do
not recommend leaving any rotisserie unattended. In fact I do not recommend
leaving any grill unattended, especially not a gas grill. Whew, typing all
this was far more effort for me than counter-balancing a chicken.
What I'd really like to see is a home washer where one doesn't need to
rearrange the wash (counter-balance) to keep it from dancing across the floor.
I don't leave my washer unattended either. Perhaps the front loaders don't
dance, but I think they cost a heck of a lot more, certainly more than my two
washloads/wk would justify.
moment of inertia
Date: 1830
: a measure of the resistance of a body to angular acceleration about a given
axis that is equal to the sum of the products of each element of mass in the
body and the square of the element's distance from the axis
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