One time on Usenet, "Alan_B" > said:
> Actually I just decided to use a different nickname. Nothing removed
> nothing added. No medical procedures involved. Just time for a change.
> Before hahabogus I was the purple avenger (plus numerous others)...but that
> sound too *** for me so I changed to hahabogus for a more manly man type
> name. Now I'm using Alan_B. I could have invented some sob story and had
> some fun with you all. But I just decided it was a time for a name change.
> PS I was singing Show tunes this afternoon ....Luck be a lady tonight...
> Now I'm scaring myself...
Heh! I know what you mean about name changes, sometimes one just
needs a fresh one. Still, I'll miss referring to you as "Ha"... ;-)
J.J. in WA ~ mom, vid gamer, novice cook ~
"I rule you!" - Travis of the Cosmos, ATHF
(COLD to HOT for e-mail)