On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 00:19:34 GMT, "Peter Aitken"
> arranged random neurons, so they looked like
>"Wayne" > wrote in message
>> What really frosts me is the "tip cup" or jar or whatever, that one finds
>> at the register in places like coffee shops, donut shops, etc., where all
>> the clerk (I hestitate to say "server") did was pour a beverage or fill a
>> container with food and hand it to you. What the hell should they be
>> tipped for? All they did was their job, no more...no less.
>> --
>I agree 100%. These people are not paid less than minimum wage, as are
>waiters. I have never put so much as a cent in one of those jars.
Yahbut, where I work, the only handy place to get a sandwich, soup or
a bagel, for instance, is a coffee shop around the corner. I'm in
there so often that the staff knows me by name, not to mention sight,
and I can't help but think that if I don't put in a token tip every
now and then that what happens to my sandwich might not bear
examination. Paranoid, quite possibly, but hey! This is Newport Beach
by Balboa Island where people are a tad odd.
Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
"If the soup had been as hot as the claret, if the claret
had been as old as the bird, and if the bird's breasts had
been as full as the waitress', it would have been a very
good dinner." Duncan Hines
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