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Default Banana Bread Problems


Almost every time I cook banana bread, I end up with a "tunnel" of
uncooked goo along the top center of the bread about 5" long and 1"
deep. I've tried different recipes to no avail. It doesn't matter how
long I cook it, that tube of goo remains uncooked. it is almost like
some of the bananas stuck together and rose to the top.

The ends and bottom of the bread are perfect. I'm using 5.25" x 9"
2.75" Anchor cookware, the clear glass looking type.

Should I reduce the amount of bananas, get longer loaf pans or
something else? The latest recipe I tried was from "Beat This", Best
Banana Bread. I'm just recalling from memory, but the ingredients were

2.5 cups of cake flour, 2 cups sugar, 1 tbls lemon juice, 2 sticks of
butter, 2 tsp of baking soda, 1 tsp salt, 6 bananas, 4 eggs. It had
orange rind, which I skipped. I usually add toasted nuts, but I didn't
this time.

I divided the dough equally into 2 loaf pans and they both had this
gooey tunnel.