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Richard Periut
Posts: n/a

Wayne wrote:

> "Peter Aitken" > wrote in news:s251d.1750$n%
> :
>>"Dog3" <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote in message
>>>"<RJ>" >
>>>>I'm not a business tax expert, but
>>>>it would seem that
>>>>if the service charge is a mandatory fee,
>>>>then it would be taxable income to the business.
>>>>And if the business isn't reporting it.......
>>>>If the "service charge" is a tip,
>>>>then its payment should be optional.
>>>>How do you legally enforce payment of a tip ?
>>>Theft of services.

>>But a tip is by definition voluntary.

> What really frosts me is the "tip cup" or jar or whatever, that one finds
> at the register in places like coffee shops, donut shops, etc., where all
> the clerk (I hestitate to say "server") did was pour a beverage or fill a
> container with food and hand it to you. What the hell should they be
> tipped for? All they did was their job, no less.

Exactly my sentiments. I go to the local DD and see a miserable dollar
bill (obviously placed by the workers,) in a cup, and I'm expected to
leave $$ for someone pouring a cup of coffee and serving me a doughnut
which they themselves are making a nice buck on?

It's not like they are hand picking the "best" fried dough or coffee for
my compensation.

It makes more sense to tip nice when you frequent a local restaurant.
The waiter there will relate to you, recommending what's fresh and best,
et cetera.


"Dum Spiro, Spero."

As long as I breath, I hope.
