Thread: EAT CROW
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default EAT CROW

Cheri wrote:
> Photo-shopping peoples pics is right up there with trolling, nym-shifting,
> post changing, and an assortment of other stupid little things that would
> only entertain a "less than" creator. Totally grade school stuff, and lower
> grade school at that.

So I guess your "each to their own" claim only
applies to food choices?

Humor is also an each to your own thing. No need to cut down
humor that you don't approve of. Many people many differences.
Since you like to hang out in Usenet, you should have learned
long ago to accept all people, all lifestyles, all humor. Listen
to everything but no need to criticize any.

It's not about what only you approve of. Usenet is the real
varied world unless you killfile all that you disagree with.

Grade school humor? If you want to remain young (as long as
possible), first step is to keep your mind young. Laugh at things
that used to amuse you. Do activities that you loved...don't quit
just because you're older. Don't turn into an old judgemental
grumpy old person. That's when you turn miserable and die.