Thread: EAT CROW
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default EAT CROW

Cheri wrote:
> Photo shopping in a malicious way is not funny, if it is to you, then IMO
> there is something wrong with you, and yes in a food group, to each their
> own means to each their own with food choices.

I don't see photo shopping as malicious at all. It's just people
having a little fun. Maybe not your cup of tea but no real harm
intended. So... Did you disapprove of my 2 girlgang pics?
My mom loved it. She sent me the pic knowing how I intended
to change it. The next Sheldon version was just in fun.

If he got offended by it, so sad for him. He actually claimed
he didn't even look at it but you know he did. Pants on fire.

Lighten up, for God's sake.
Don't become a grumpy old woman who will die soon with a grimace
on her face. You are cool and better than that.

I bought a pair of rollerblades at age 40. Neighbors, young 30's,
were shocked. In their opinion, I was too old to buy and use
rollerblades. "That's for kids," they said. WTH?

I'm almost 65 and I still do things that others think I'm too old
for. Screw long as my body co-operates, I'm doing
things that I've always loved...running, bike riding, surfing,
rollerblading, skateboarding, hiking in the woods, etc. Maybe
not as often as younger me but I still do and enjoy all. I'll
quit all that once my beloved body either breaks or dies but not

OB FOOD: And I do still enjoy eating nicely too...even McDonalds

Quality of life, not quantity is how I live.