Sqwertz wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Apr 2018 13:43:43 -0400, Gary wrote:
> > Cheri wrote:
> >>
> >> Photo-shopping peoples pics is right up there with trolling, nym-shifting,
> >> post changing, and an assortment of other stupid little things that would
> >> only entertain a "less than" creator. Totally grade school stuff, and lower
> >> grade school at that.
> >
> > So I guess your "each to their own" claim only
> > applies to food choices?
> She just naturally uptight and miserable about practically everything.
> Don't mind her.
You're only as old as you feel up to the time your body
shows everyone you are lying about your age. heheh
Every one dies of old age eventually. Best defense to stall that
final time is to keep on acting young, mind and body.
Meanwhile enjoy each day like it's your last.
It might very well be.
Plenty of time to quit everything and rest once you die.