"Bruce" > wrote in message

> On Sat, 28 Apr 2018 01:08:47 +0100, Janet > wrote:
>>In article >, says...
>>> Cheri wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Photo-shopping peoples pics is right up there with trolling,
>>> > nym-shifting,
>>> > post changing, and an assortment of other stupid little things that
>>> > would
>>> > only entertain a "less than" creator. Totally grade school stuff, and
>>> > lower
>>> > grade school at that.
>>> So I guess your "each to their own" claim only
>>> applies to food choices?
>>> Humor is also an each to your own thing.
>> Photoshopping other peoples pics to discredit them, isn't "humour";
>>it's just deceitful, as crooked and slimy as faking posts from them.
> It's not deceitful because everybody knows Sheldon isn't really in
> those pictures.
His face really IS in those pictures, and the people that do it are doing it
with spite and hatefulness, nothing funny about it when it happens to
anybody, even him. These are also the same juvenile acting little creeps
that change the tags on peoples food pics.