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"Peter Aitken" writes:

>"Vox Humana" > wrote in message

>> >
>> > "sandy" wrote in message
>> > >> > > Rachel Ray has to be the most irritating person!

A superlative used without a bounding context is used incorrectly, HTH.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>She has such a

>> > > know-it-all voice,,,,,,I wonder why she's still on! I switch her the
>> > > minute
>> > > she's on.

Your "tone" isn't 'zackly buttery either.

But to answer your question.

She's "on" because she created a signature style which became popular in part
because it was different from the norm, agreeable to a good portion of the
audience, and because she still sells.

Oh yeah, and a lot of what you're seeing is reruns, HTH too.

Other than branching out from her original format (30 minute meals I think, I
don't follow her) she's also stuck with the "don't mess with a proven formula"
monkey. Change too much and you lose your core audience, be you a writer,
celebrity, whatever, that's universally true.

Riding the tiger.

Lastly, a fair number of her audience either cannot or won't get out of the
house and get a girlfriend so the fact that she's cute in a girl-next-door
sorta way doesn't hurt her appeal.

Put another way, I'd rather eat a meal prepared by Alice Waters and f--k Rachel
Ray than vice-versa. If I was to be in the market for f--king, which I'm not
since I love my wife.

I suspect I'd enjoy Alice Waters conversation more though.

>> > I know what you mean....she wastes so much time going to the fridge & to

>> the
>> > cupboards to gather all her stuff if it's not already prepared

>> > her...duh!!!

My dear god, dy'e want her to prepare a meal in 15 minutes rather than 30????
That's padding, pure padding. ;-)

>> I'm really impressed with the fact that everything she needs, no matter

>> she is making, is always in that small cabinet. She should write a book on
>> organizing your kitchen!

LMAO. Good one.


>Do you people ever sit back and think for a moment about what it means that
>you spend so much time obsessing about TV cooks?

No, they don't. HTH 3.
