On Mon, 30 Apr 2018 11:35:33 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>"Nancy Young" wrote in message news
>On 4/29/2018 1:06 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> There is a lot of press these days on the fear that legalization will
>> lead to lots of drug impaired driving. I don't know why. Just as many
>> young people are smoking dope as there were when I was young.
>It's been my observation that people should worry more about
>people driving under the influence of cell phones. My trip to
>DC and back shows it's as bad as ever.
>As far as pot being a gateway drug, I can say one thing, the
>gateway to a crappy life can start with being tossed in jail
>for a joint and winding up with a record.
>Using cell phones while driving is illegal here. If you are spotted using
>one you will be in real trouble.
Isn't it illegal everywhere?