Thread: Major fail!
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Major fail!

On 2018-04-30 12:21 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 4/30/2018 11:42 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> So when you have passengers, you don't talk to them??
>> When you have passengers with you your attention is not being sucked
>> away from driving. The passenger is an extra set of eyes.

> In addition, when traffic suddenly changes, you can readily stop the
> conversation as will the passenger. Phones don't work the same.
> There are times a simple "what's for dinner" call is not a big deal but
> trying to do a tech service call can take a lot of brain power.
> As for seeing a bad crash, I heard one on the road in back of me.Â* Young
> lady had phone in hand when killed in a head-on.

We were working very close to where a car rear ended a truck. It was
shortly after 9/11 and the truck traffic at the border was often backed
2-3 miles. The first person on the scene could here there was someone
on the other end of the dead driver's phone. He was wondering what
happened. The late driver had apparently been in the middle of a cell
phone conversation and had run full speed into the back of the stopped
truck. Apparently he had also not noticed the several flashing light
signs warning about the truck traffic.