Thread: Major fail!
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Graham Graham is offline
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Default Major fail!

On 2018-04-30 1:11 PM, wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Apr 2018 08:50:58 -0600, graham > wrote:
>> On 2018-04-30 8:12 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2018-04-30 9:00 AM,
>>>>> It's illegal here, too.Â* Unless there happens to be a cop right
>>>>> there, you're not going to get into trouble with the law.
>>>>> nancy
>>>> It's been illegal here for maybe five years or more and I rarely see
>>>> anyone holding a phone anymore, suffice to say, if I do, I notice them
>>>> now!
>>> It has been illegal here for about the same amount of time, but it is
>>> still so common that they recently boosted the penalties. People still
>>> do it.Â* Just the other day when I was out on the bike and saw an
>>> oncoming car hit the shoulder, then over the centre line.... he was
>>> looking at his device.

>> OTOH I was following a car through the mountains on HW1 and it kept
>> drifting onto the shoulder and then back again. I thought that the
>> driver was one of those people (especially women*) who believe in making
>> eye contact when conversing. When I had the opportunity to pass, I was
>> right! She was drifting over when she turned to face her passenger as
>> she talked and had to correct when she wasn't.
>> *Lucretia - this is not a misogynistic but based on countless
>> observations. I have seen very few men do this.

> There are both male and females idiots, if I am talking either to cell
> phone or passenger, I still keeping looking ahead.

I think that that subset of people who turn their heads are devotees of
those mountebanks of the personal growth movement with which PBS fills
the airwaves during their interminable fund raising weeks.