Thread: Major fail!
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Major fail!

On 4/29/2018 7:57 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
> On 4/29/2018 1:06 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> There is a lot of press these days on the fear that legalization will
>> lead to lots of drug impaired driving.Â* I don't know why. Just as many
>> young people are smoking dope as there were when I was young.

> It's been my observation that people should worry more about
> people driving under the influence of cell phones.Â* My trip to
> DC and back shows it's as bad as ever.

I've been seeing ads for Ford vehicles with "parental controls". It's a
separate clicker gadget. The ads feature teens complaining to their
parents that their cell phones go straight to voicemail when they're in
the car. The music can't be cranked up [to the point you can't hear
emergency vehicles]. The car won't go over x MPH. Sounds like a good
use for technology. It may be geared towards parents but there have
been plenty of times when I wished I could just point and click at a car
to turn the *blasting* music down or shut off their cell phones.

> As far as pot being a gateway drug, I can say one thing, the
> gateway to a crappy life can start with being tossed in jail
> for a joint and winding up with a record.

I see no point in throwing the Average Joe in prison for, say, 5 years,
for nothing more than the possession of a couple of joints.
