A $9 Trip
Bruce wrote:
> On Sun, 6 May 2018 16:25:12 -0500, Terry Coombs >
> wrote:
>> On 5/6/2018 1:58 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
>>>> Really pleased with my pepper plants.
>>>> I just need to get a cheap timer so the grow light is on 16 hours a
>>>> day. I had a hard time rolling out of bed to turn it on at 6 a.m.
>>>> when it was dark and cold outside.
>>> I couldn't keep that schedule, myself. Not even for tomatoes.
>>> nancy
>> I have no choice , our 70+ pound dog thinks that I need to get up as
>> soon as it's light out . I get up with him so Mama can sleep a little
>> later - I can always take a nap later , Walmart might frown on her doing
>> that ...
> I always worry when men refer to their wife as Mama or Mother.