On Tue, 8 May 2018 07:37:07 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>"Hank Rogers" wrote in message news
>Terry Coombs wrote:
>> On 5/7/2018 3:31 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> "Terry Coombs" wrote in message news
>>> On 5/7/2018 2:40 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> I just heard that the place we all get our vanilla from has had big
>>>>> problems with it's crops and now vanilla is the same price as silver!
>>>> Good thing I rarely use it.
>>> Bummer , we use quite a bit . It seems (to me anyway) that adding
>>> just a touch of vanilla enhances many other sweet/fruit/etc flavors .
>>> ===
>>> Might be a good idea to get what you can while it is still available
>>> at your
>>> regular prices!
>> The 'Ol Lady (!) just bought a bottle big enough to last us about a
>> year or so . By then the situation may have improved .
>'Ol Lady? Uh-oh, now you've done it! Someone here will surely have a
>shit hemorrhage.
>LOL tough! We call our own people what we want and they can stick their
>rules ....
O-phelia, language please!