On 5/8/2018 6:41 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 5/7/2018 10:16 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2018-05-07 7:32 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>>> Â* You mean, the fake vanilla flavour is unmissable in baked goods made
>>>> with fake vanilla.
>>> Lol. And who knows what fake vanilla's made of. A side product of the
>>> petrochemical industry perhaps.
>> A lot of it comes from the pulp wood processing. For about a yer I lived
>> in a small city that had several paper millsÂ* and we frequently smelled
>> vanilla in the air.
> Really?! I can remember travelling across the US as a kid and when we'd
> drive through an area with pulp mills we had to roll up the car windows.
> It stunk to high heaven and certainly did not smell like vanilla.
> Jill
The biggest user of fake Vanilla is (or was) sewage treatment plants -
to help mask the smell. Perhaps the pulp mills were doing the same.