Thread: Food Safety
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[email protected][_2_][_2_] is offline
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Default Food Safety

On Thursday, May 10, 2018 at 1:34:25 PM UTC-5, dsi1 wrote:
> On Thursday, May 10, 2018 at 3:49:46 AM UTC-10, wrote:
> > I used salsa on tacos this week with a date of several months ago, the jar popped good when I opened it and it seemed fine.

> I ate a can of fruit cocktail yesterday that expired in 2015. It was a little mushy.

My grandmother was a prolific home canner and she died in 1961. My
grandfather died in late Fall 1966 and the following Spring my mom,
dad, her sister and her sisters husband were at his house to clean
up and throw away. In their unfinished upstairs were dozens of
quart jars of green beans, tomatoes, and whatever else she would can.

My aunt wanted to throw all of it away and my mother said no way as
she knew how carefully and thoroughly my grandmother processed all
her canned goods. My mom and dad hauled all those home canned jars
home and we ate on all those vegetables for at least 2 years, maybe
even longer.

Not a bad jar in the bunch. Everything looked and tasted like it had
been processed the week before. With three kids still at home I'm
sure my parents were thankful for the surplus and easing of the food