Thread: Odd origins
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  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Sheldon wrote:

> You're going to have to come up with better references than a fercocktah

> that won't work.

Hm. Weird, it worked for me. Must be a problem with your ISP. :-)

What references have YOU provided as to the origins of Danish pastry?

> Danish pastry dough is essentially sweet dough, a yeast dough. Austrian
> strudrl dough contains no yeast, relies entirely on steam pockets to cause

> to flake.

What you write above is correct, except that Danish pastry has layers of
yeasted dough with butter separating the layers. It's similar to croissant
dough in that respect.

But who says Danish pastry is descended from strudel dough? Surely you
aren't claiming that Austrian bakers *only* make strudel dough! And who
says it was the Danes who first rolled butter into sweet yeasted dough? If
you Google for "danish pastry vienna" you come up with a host of URL's, some
of which point to a baker's strike in Denmark sometime around the 1840's,
when bakers from Vienna were recruited to take their place. These scabs
(although the union terms "strike" and "scab" didn't come into use for
something like a hundred years) allegedly were the inventors of Danish
