On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 05:35:05 GMT, sf > wrote:
>On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 23:07:57 -0500, Michael Odom
> wrote:
>> She has an annoyng, artificial stage laugh,
>I'm convinced you're not around many people who have unique
>laughs. Most people emit the same sound track, so what's
>really artificial?
Noises of happiness that appear uncaused by the circumstances.
Forced. Canned. Synthetic. Affected. Reminding one of situations
that involve cocktails with the boss. Unpleasantly unrealistic.
Redolent of an out-take from a John Candy movie. Free of
authenticity. Given to contextually inappropriate expressions of
mirth. Risibility with no clear reason. Ejaculations of joy in the
face of an ordinary omelette. Chuckling excessively over the meal's
tab. Smacking of obsequious attempts at ingratiation. You know,
But she really looks good in jeans and a tee shirt. Really.
"Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eyes."
-- Jimmie Dale Gilmore