Troubleshooting Capresso Infinity grinder
On Friday, June 8, 2018 at 8:53:27 AM UTC-5, Sheldon wrote:
> Someone with a functioning brain would grind their coffee and set up
> their coffee brewer the evening prior... it's not rocket science... I
> did that for many years.
I did that once or twice and did not care for the results. I use COLD
water from a water jug in the refrigerator and f-r-e-s-h-l-y ground
> Only ignoranuses grind coffee in the early
> morning while others are sleeping. Coffee grinders are very loud, and
> also messy... normal folks don't want to be futzing with a coffee
> grinder first thing in the early morning.
I've got a burr grinder and yes, it makes noise but it's not like a buzz
saw. The grounds drop right into it's accompanying jar ready to be dumped
into the brew basket. It's not rocket science.
> Anyone who needs the entire pound ground at once should be buying
> already ground coffee or grind it in the store's grinder... and then
> there's no reason to own a coffee mill... if the motor burned out toss
> it in the trash, you really don't need a coffee mill.