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Gary Gary is offline
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Default And the winner is: Dsi1's dinner for wife!

Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> They're tools. Are there painting tools that you refuse to use?

Yes...and they are obsolete and no longer used.
Do you still ride a horse to work?
> You have not demonstrated that forks are technologically superior
> to chopsticks. You have only demonstrated that you are uncomfortable
> learning new things.

I learned how to eat with chopsticks when married. What a waste.
Just because I can use them doesn't mean I would choose them
ever. Silly old-timey utensils, imo.

Ever watch Asians eat with them? Most of that eating is bad
manners, imo. Japanese holding up bowls of noodles and slurping
them loudly comes to mind. And the loud slurping is considered
good manners. Go figure.

Each to their own nonsense. Just not 'me too'.