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Default Starbucks to eliminate plastic straws

Ben Oliver wrote:
>On 2018-07-10, Nancy Young wrote:
>> Exactly. Less plastic works for me.

>Same here. 4% of waste is a lot for just straws! Good riddance, I say!

The last time I drank from a straw I was 4-5 years old and it was a
paper straw, somehow chocolate milk tasted better through a Roy Rogers
straw. I don't do fast food so I've never tried a plastic straw, and
I've never done a 2ni or any bar drink through a straw... no barmaid
has ever brought me a straw with my shot of vodka or pitcher of

I don't order bar drinks that come with a straw, if a bar drink comes
with a straw it's one of those sweet fruity drinks typically offered
at *** bars... I've never seen men at a bar sucking their drink
through a straw, real men don't use straws... however faggots will
suck anything/anyone, they don't even need a name.

Sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up thirsty and only a can
of gingerale will do, no straw, straight from the can... there's
always a few cans of gingerale in the fridge, for middle of the night
thirst quenchers.

Only time I used a plastic straw it was a ballpoint pen barrel to
shoot spitballs at my cutsey big bosomed 7th grade teacher's butt.
Wasn't til many years later I learned that she knew if was me and that
she condidered my attraction to her voluptuousness a complement but
she was already taken.