On Sunday, July 15, 2018 at 3:24:07 PM UTC-10, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> Why not Kona? Most people rank it very high. I buy it for my wife once
> in a while from Cea, who used to post here www.smithfarms.com.
> I'll stick with tea though.
A lot of people don't care for Kona because it doesn't taste like the coffee they're used to.
I recently bought some Kona at the supermarket. It pretty much tasted like coffee. Not what I was expecting. I used to get Kona from a small roaster that had connections to a farm. It was $21.00/lb and just wonderful. I checked it out and couldn't believe it. All the beans were of uniform size, with no deformed ones. Absolutely no foreign debris, and no broken beans. Amazing. It tasted great too. My guess is that in order to get great coffee beans, you have to get it from a supplier that loves the product and does not view the beans as a commodity item.