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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Here's a Question

On 2018-07-16 12:58 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 7/16/2018 12:20 PM, Gary wrote:
>> And then speaking of a steady paycheck thing....I was stunned
>> when comedy genius Drew Carey gave it all up to host "The Price
>> is Right." I guessed he wouldn't do that for long but he's there
>> forever, just like Bob Barker was.Â* Again....a generous steady
>> paycheck usually wins in the long run.

> Carey is getting older though. He may prefer the steady gig in the same
> place rather than touring.Â* Leading the life of a celebrity may be fun
> for a few days, but at the end of the week I'd want to be boring again
> and sleep in my own bed.

I have enough relatives in the acting business to understand why someone
would settle for that steady paycheck. Comedy can be a pretty short
career for people. They spend a lot of time and energy getting
bookings. They have to go on the road for weeks or months at a time, and
the money is not great. They face a lot of reaction from club owners and
then have to deal with finicky audiences. What works in one demographic
can bomb in another. In these days of public shaming a few moments of
indiscretion can destroy your career. Just Louis CK about that.