On Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 6:20:33 PM UTC-5, Sheldon wrote:
> Matters not... truth is the #1 topics women discuss is can he get it
> up... and if so are you willing to suck it for three minutes...and do
> you really swallow? Smart mommas teach their daughters, and sons,
> that oral sex is the best method of birth control, that it's free,
> infinitely pleasurable, and no medical side effects.
> I still maintain contrary to all the other reasons the main reason for
> divorce is not money or anything else, it's refusing to perform oral
> sex. That said there are far more men who refuse to perform oral sex
> on women than there are women who refuse to perform oral sex on men...
> and not only to perforn but more importantly to initiate. In my
> experience most marriages fail due to lack of sexual initiation.