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Default Here's a Question

On Wed, 18 Jul 2018 10:09:04 -0700, "Cheri" >

>"jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> On 7/17/2018 9:43 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> On 7/17/2018 5:14 PM, Druce wrote:
>>>>>> I always thought that's because men are judged by their character.
>>>>>> That's why I never comb my hair.
>>>>> That's because you're bald as a billiard ball. lol
>>>> Hey, the colour may be slowly changing, but it's still all there.
>>> Hair is over rated. Had I known how simple life is without it, I'd have
>>> shaved it off years earlier.

>> Think of all the money you've saved on shampoo and conditioner!
>> Jill

>I've actually never seen a man that looked better with a shaved head, of
>course it would be simpler, but it's not something I like, but I don't have
>to like it, just a preference of those involved.

Today there are as many hair care products for men as for women. I
have a full head of thick wavy hair so four times a year I get a GI
cut, grows fast so within three weeks I can comb it and by five weeks
I'm back to spending as much time and money as women do caring for my
mop. Before moving here I went to a real barber monthly, but there
are no real barbers here so I go to the unisex salon in town, they've
no idea how to style men's hair, that's why I ask for the GI do.
Actually up here the salons haven't a clue how to do women's hair
either... my wife got lucky and found a place where the owner is a NYC
hair dresser, he has two locations. For nearly 15 years she'd have
her hair done when she was in NYC.

My wife says naturally bald men haven't much choice but men who shave
their heads are simply lazy and cheap, and about everything. My wife
is turned off by beards, I've always shaved daily same as I did in the
navy... she hates that grunge look that men seem to think is masculine
these days, she says it looks like they go over their face with a
lawnmower... she says they look dirty, reflects on the rest of their
bodily hygiene likewise. She can tell who doesn't bathe regularly,
both men and women, they reek of strongly scented cheap cologne... she
swears that they spray themselves with Air Wick... they stink like
scented cat litter, used.

We stopped going out with a few couples here because they didn't
bathe, or wear clean clothes, they smell exactly like where they keep