Here's a Question
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Here's a Question
"graham" wrote in message news
On 2018-07-18 12:29 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 7/18/2018 1:16 PM,
>> I don't mind a man who is naturally bald but I'm also not a fan of the
>> shaved head look. But that is better than a ridiculous combover or a
>> cheap, off color, and bad fitting toupee.
> My family has thin hair, women too. I had a combover but it was not yet
> ridiculous. One day a few years back I was watching the news and Mayor
> Rudy Giuliani was on. He used to have a ridiculous combover but this time
> he had a bald top and just short hair left on sides and back. He looked
> much better and younger. Next day I bought a trimmer and did the same.
> Should have done it a year earlier. I still have short, gray hair that is
> very thin on the side so I run the trimmer over it once a week or so.
I go to the barber for a #4 about every 4 months. They take all of 3
minutes to cut my hair. Hardly worth a tip!
> I do wear a hat in winter and if going to be in the sun a long time, a cap
> in the summer.
My Tilley hat is 30 years old and has just disintegrated from salt
damage (sweat).
>I also take the cap off indoors as I was taught that was the mannerly thing
>to do.
I feel uncomfortable with a hat on when I go into a shop for the same
We wash our Tilley hats regularly to avoid that. Are you aware that Tilley
would replace your hat in that case ... free???
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