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Sanne Sanne is offline
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Default First Pick

Am Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2018 03:34:20 UTC+2 Sheldon wrote:

> We'll be going to the
> grandson's camp on Saturday, they will have fantastic NYC viands, lots
> of Appy, and baked goods to die for. My favorite is unlimited
> whitefish salad on onion rolls and lox on bagels with a schmear. My
> wife loves the pastries.
> It's a very expensive camp, like $13,000 for the summer but he goes
> for free. He's in charge of the fishing, all because when he was
> five years old I got him into it with a couple kids books on fishing
> and taking him to fish around here in the lakes and creeks. Now he's
> 14 and into fishing like a pro. I wish when I was a kid I could have
> went to this camp:
> He'll be able to go for free until he's sixteen and then he can become
> a counseler, It's been a great experience for a kid. Counselors
> there are from all over the world, I enjoy meeting them eash summer.

That's great! You must be very proud of your grandson and have every
reason to. Have a wonderful time!

Bye, Sanne.