On 7/19/2018 11:26 AM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Jul 2018 11:01:16 -0400, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>> On 2018-07-19 9:26 AM, Terry Coombs wrote:
>>> Â* Any ideas why the bee shortage ? FWIW I seldom see honey bees on the
>>> squashes and other stuff in my garden and the hives are only a few feet
>>> away . I do see lots of other pollinators working the garden , carpenter
>>> bees and certain flies seem to most of that .
>> I have lots of bees around my place. I have a couple flower gardens,
>> flowering shrubs, and lots of clover in the lawn. Given all the reports
>> about the dropping bee population, I was surprised that there were so
>> many.
> it
> it's the professional beekeepers that are feeling the greatest
> impact. Whether they are the bee keepers that truck hundreds of hives
> around the country to pollinate various crops or whether they are
> honey farms, they are losing a large percentage of bees every year and
> having to buy bees from -- Hawaii?
> Janet US
Â* Or another climate that warms significantly earlier than their home .
Those bought bees need queens , and those take time to get a hive up to
strength , so many beeks have a "southern yard" that they use to build
up in time to truck their bees around for pollination jobs .
Yes , I'm old
and crochety .
Get off my lawn !
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