Here's a Question
dsi1 wrote:
> On Friday, July 20, 2018 at 12:59:31 PM UTC-10, Cheri wrote:
> >
> > In this day and age I would do a full background check on a landlord, make
> > sure he wasn't in foreclosure, was the actual property owner and other
> > things like that.
> >
> > Cheri
> These days everybody is checking up on everybody. I'm not saying that's a bad idea but it fosters a general distrust in humanity.
Isn't that the truth. "1984" was a good story and
prediction...just dated a bit too early. It's certainly that way
We often work in peoples houses that are phone connected to every
darn thing, including cams with mikes everywhere. We don't ever
do anything wrong but I just hate that feeling of always being
watched. They can sit there at work/vacation and at anytime, tune
in on their house. Even when we are alone in a house we know to
talk carefully. It's too much, imo.
Thankfully, I'll retire soon enough and not have to deal with
the spy-generation.