Here's a Question
"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> dsi1 wrote:
>> On Friday, July 20, 2018 at 12:59:31 PM UTC-10, Cheri wrote:
>> >
>> > In this day and age I would do a full background check on a landlord,
>> > make
>> > sure he wasn't in foreclosure, was the actual property owner and other
>> > things like that.
>> >
>> > Cheri
>> These days everybody is checking up on everybody. I'm not saying that's a
>> bad idea but it fosters a general distrust in humanity.
> Isn't that the truth. "1984" was a good story and
> prediction...just dated a bit too early. It's certainly that way
> now.
> We often work in peoples houses that are phone connected to every
> darn thing, including cams with mikes everywhere. We don't ever
> do anything wrong but I just hate that feeling of always being
> watched. They can sit there at work/vacation and at anytime, tune
> in on their house. Even when we are alone in a house we know to
> talk carefully. It's too much, imo.
> Thankfully, I'll retire soon enough and not have to deal with
> the spy-generation.
Yes, that is exactly true, I feel the same way with all the cameras when out
in public. People born these days will never know the freedom we had as
kids, I'm not saying it's a bad thing for them, but it's certainly not
something I would choose.