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John Kuthe[_3_] John Kuthe[_3_] is offline
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Default Here's a Question

On Saturday, July 21, 2018 at 5:52:57 PM UTC-5, Sheldon wrote:
> He either owns it or he don't... sure seems he don't.

Look it up, sleuth!! Real Estate ownership is a matter of public record, eh?

> Kootchie has been LYING all along.

Nom, not at all.

> I've purchased several properties.

Therefore, *I* am an expert in real estate law!!

> Upon payment to my lawyer I knew I
> owned it with no incumberences. Kootchie has always been too vague,

My Buyer's Agent (ever use a Buyer's Agent for any of your plethora real estate acquisitions ShelDUM?)) handled all that for me. She really earned her money on this one!

> He owns NOTHING... not even the food on his plate. Kootchie is a BUM,
> he inherited NOTHING... all his inheritance BS is a big fat LIE...
> knowing him his father wouldn't leaave him a dime.
> He's still paying rent to his Chinese landlord and dreaming about
> owning real estate.

ROFL!!! ShelDUM is out of control delusional! Hee hee!

I own YOUR ASS, Dumbshit!!

> Kootchie doesn't own the Pampers on his ass. And
> he's NOT an RN, at best he cleans bed pans... I seriously doubt he's
> qualified to wipe butts. At best he mops hospital hallways. Truth is
> the mentally ill POS FAGGOT has been unemployed for years and lives on
> food stamps.

Still ranting delusionally, eh? Your a really sad case ShelDUM!

John Kuthe...