Spent yesterday at T L C... Timber Lake Camp
Had a great time, being an international camp I met people from many
countries... the councelors are from everywhere, wonderful people.
We toured the entire camp and I was impressed by the new culinary
center, an entire new building dedicated to cooking and everything
food including hotel management, a great indoctrination for the kids.
It's a gorgeous state of the art kitchen, large with the best of the
best... I was very impressed.
The camp has everything you can think of, next year a horseback riding
acadamy, should be magnificent for accomodating 500 kids.
Of course the best part was lunch, the finast viands from NYC's best
bakeries and appys... I ate nova, whitefish, herring, smoked salmon,
etc. till I couldn't eat another bite... we brought baked goods
home... my wife loves linzer tarts, brought home a half dozen
wonderful examples made with raspberry and marzipan. There was even
an olive bar I had to stay away from lest I eat till I got sick.
Was a very nice day, and great weather. Most people traveled from far
and wide, but we were only an hour car ride away.