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Default Here's a Question

On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 18:38:29 -0500, Hank Rogers >

>l not -l wrote:
>> On 23-Jul-2018, U.S. Janet B. > wrote:
>>> On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 21:27:21 GMT, "l not -l" > wrote:
>>>> On 23-Jul-2018, "Ophelia" > wrote:
>>>>> On Monday, July 23, 2018 at 8:29:29 AM UTC-10, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>>>>>> you must mean PCBT (post concussive brain trauma) Because PTSD is
>>>>>> Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Because I know you don't mean to
>>>>>> discount the trauma of someone who was caught in a fire, a horrific
>>>>>> car accident, was raped or had similar life-changing circumstances.
>>>>>> Janet US
>>>>> Lots of people believe that PTSD is a lot of hooey. All I know is
>>>>> something
>>>>> serious is causing war vets to kill themselves or feel that they are no
>>>>> longer fit to live among other people and choose to live up in the
>>>>> hills
>>>>> of
>>>>> Honolulu. The only consideration that a lot of these poor souls get is
>>>>> disdain from non-believers.
>>>>> +1
>>>>> I think that only those who have never been in that situation tend to
>>>>> poo
>>>>> poo it!!
>>>>> They really ought to try it out for them selves !!!
>>>>> ((
>>>> Sometimes, those who serve also poo poo it. I was one of those. I was a
>>>> combat medic in Vietnam and have been attending reunions with a number of
>>>> the men I served with, about a dozen reunions over the past 15 years.
>>>> Most
>>>> of the others that attend have been diagnosed with some level of PTSD and
>>>> are receiving, or have received, treatment for it. I served right along
>>>> side these guys and have none of the symptoms of PTSD; I thought they
>>>> were
>>>> taking advantage of the VA and getting varying levels of disability
>>>> payments
>>>> unwarranted. Then, one of them wrote a book and recounted many events in
>>>> which we were side by side and he outlined how those events effected him
>>>> and
>>>> I realized the same event from different perspectives can be traumatizing
>>>> or
>>>> not. Many conversations with these guy later, I came to understand that,
>>>> though we were side by side, our wars, and our personalities, were often
>>>> quite different. In fact, those personality differences may account for
>>>> why
>>>> the Army made them infantrymen and made me a corpsman; we saw situations
>>>> differently and were effected in different ways. Neither perspective was
>>>> right or wrong, merely different, with differing impacts.
>>>> If anyone is interested in one of those perspectives on PTSD, read A
>>>> Never-Ending Battle: A Soldier's Ongoing Struggle With Combat PTSD by
>>>> Sgt.
>>>> Howard B. Patrick The Kindle version is available at no charge on
>>>> Amazon.
>>> Only available with Kindle Unlimited for $0.0

>> Ooops, I guess that is something special! Sorry, I'm not an Amazonian so
>> don't know the difference between there various buzzwords. I was basing my
>> price info on a message Howard sent a while back saying it was a free
>> download. I guess he assumed everyone was more committed to Amazon than I
>> am.
>> I haven't bought anything from Amazon in the past few years. Whenever I
>> shop for things, I always find the items I want are lower priced at
>> or on eBay.

>Yep, amazon is often higher priced for many things. Only occasionally do
>I buy from them.
>BTW, I was also a medic during vietnam. I don't have PTSD, but had some
>patients that were obviously badly affected. It's real.
>I can still vividly remember some of them after all these years.

I can still remember as a child waking in the night hearing my father
shouting when he was home on leave after his ship was blown up. He
felt badly that he survived - aged 30 - when much younger men died.