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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Here's a Question

"Hank Rogers" > wrote in message
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Mon 23 Jul 2018 03:17:13a, Cindy Hamilton told us...
>>> On Sunday, July 22, 2018 at 9:15:23 PM UTC-4, Wayne Boatwright
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Sun 22 Jul 2018 01:21:45p, Ed Pawlowski told us...
>>>>> On 7/22/2018 4:07 PM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>> On Sunday, July 22, 2018 at 11:59:53 AM UTC-4, Janet wrote:
>>>>>>> In article
>>>>>>> >,
>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>> On Saturday, July 21, 2018 at 6:36:44 PM UTC-5, Janet wrote:
>>>>>>>>> In article
>>>>>>>>> >,
>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, July 21, 2018 at 1:59:17 PM UTC-5,
>>>>>>>>>> wrote: ...
>>>>>>>>>>> Doesn't look like a place to relax and study
>>>>>>>>>> Oh yes! Every tenants room locks and quiet time upon
>>>>>>>>>> request!
>>>>>>>>> Not enough
>>>>>>>>> Students need their own desk, chair and bookcase in their
>>>>>>>>> room so they
>>>>>>>>> can study in peace.
>>>>>>>>> Janet UK
>>>>>>>> Check, check, check! FURNISHED!!
>>>>>>> In the letting rooms in your pictures, the only furniture
>>>>>>> visible is a
>>>>>>> cheap bed with no headboard. No bedside table, no desk, no
>>>>>>> chair, no bookcase.
>>>>>>> Janet UK
>>>>>>> Janet
>>>>>> Headboards are overrated. My bed doesn't have one.
>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>> We did for years but the original was for a full sized bed.
>>>>> Never got around to getting one for the king size and don't
>>>>> miss it. We have adjustable beds and love them. There were
>>>>> times my wife had to stay in bed and it was never comfortable
>>>>> reading or watching TV. Got the adjustable twin XL side by
>>>>> side and they are as comfortable as sitting in a recliner.
>>>> Headboards may be overrated for function, and I admit that I
>>>> never sit up in bed leaing against the headboard. However,
>>>> unless a decorative wall treatment functions in place of a
>>>> headboard, the bed looks incomplete.
>>> I rarely have my glasses on when I'm in the bedroom. I don't care
>>> if the bed looks incomplete. The frame came free with the
>>> mattress and foundation.
>>> Cindy Hamilton

>> Obviously some people just plain don't care. I have to say that
>> there is not a single room in my home, including bathrooms, mudroom,
>> and utility room that are not fully and appropriately decorated. It
>> makes a huge difference to me and guests in my home appreciate and
>> enjoy it.
>> Mind you, I'm not suggesting that everyone should do what I do, but
>> the homes of my immediate friends and out-of-town family have fully
>> decorated homes.
>> I have no problem with anyone choosing not to do even a modicum of
>> decoration, but I personally would find it strange.
>> No criticism here, CIndy, just an opinion.

> No offense, but exactly what the hell is a mud room? I was raised in the
> south too, but we never had a special room just to take off muddy boots.
> We just kept a few sticks on the porch to scrape the mud from our boots so
> we didn't track it into the house. My mother would get pretty ****ed if we
> tracked mud into the house.

Lots of people on farms etc. around here have "mud rooms" coming in from the
outside at the back of the house, usually with a shower after removing dirty
clothes and shoes.
