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U.S. Janet B. U.S. Janet B. is offline
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Default Here's a Question

On Tue, 24 Jul 2018 09:59:16 -0400, Boron Elgar
> wrote:

>On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 18:20:31 -0500, Hank Rogers >
>>Boron Elgar wrote:
>>> On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 15:01:38 -0400, Dave Smith
>>> > wrote:
>>>> On 2018-07-23 2:29 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 13:02:41 -0400, Dave Smith
>>>>>> I have a lot of sympathy for people who are wounded in combat, and I can
>>>>>> understand the impact of their traumatic injuries can have on their
>>>>>> ability to enjoy life. I think is is major insult to those brave souls
>>>>>> to ascribe the same condition to someone who was never exposed to those
>>>>>> horrors.
>>>>> you must mean PCBT (post concussive brain trauma) Because PTSD is
>>>>> Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Because I know you don't mean to
>>>>> discount the trauma of someone who was caught in a fire, a horrific
>>>>> car accident, was raped or had similar life-changing circumstances.
>>>> No. I mean PTSD. Back in WWI it was called Shell Shock. They were the
>>>> guys who showed mental symptoms of the concussive forces but who did not
>>>> have the physical damage. There is no doubt that even those who were not
>>>> close enough to be injured by explosions would be terrified at the
>>>> helplessness of their situation.
>>> Closed head injuries, such as concussions, can, at times, show no
>>> overt changes on any scans/tests, but can present as other physical or
>>> personality/mental changes.
>>>> I don't mean to discount the trauma of someone caught in a fire, injured
>>>> in an explosion or raped. I provided a real life example of someone who
>>>> was in a support position at a base, who never saw combat, who was never
>>>> targetted by bullets of explosions, but who claims to have been
>>>> traumatized by seeing other people coming back dead or wounded. There
>>>> have also been cases of people claiming to have it because they were
>>>> sexually harassed in the workplace.
>>> You show no knowledge of PTSD. I have had to call you an asshole
>>> about that before, too. Are you so ignorant you can't Google the most
>>> minimal online-garnered information about it, or are you going to show
>>> your foolishness repeatedly?

>>PTSD is a psychological ailment, and can be serious, even psychotic.
>>It can result in complete disruption of one's life. Even suicide can result.

>Or worse.
>>Brain damage is another (physical) injury. It can result in total
>>disability. Shaking, jerking, loss of motor control, blindness etc.
>>Again, a complete disruption and destruction of one's life.

>>They are different. Both can be horribly devastating.

>Indeed, but in WWI, exposure to repeated battlefield explosions and
>noises had the potential to cause brain contusions with no outward
>sign of physical injury and certainly no advanced medical testing
>capabilities available to confirm or deny them. Such injuries can
>cause, among other symptoms, personality changes.
>Such physical injury and symptoms could also overlap with the
>existence of PTSD, which, though unrecognized then in the more
>sophisticated way we now understand it , certainly existed. So, though
>the disorders are quite different, the presentations can, in some
>cases, have similar appearance.
>Our understandings of both disorders are greater now, although there
>is still tremendous misunderstanding and suspicion about either among
>the lay public.

and these days modern medicine has the ability to save the lives of
many service personnel who would have died from battlefield injuries
years ago. The sad fact is that death in earlier wars winnowed out
many who now suffer PTSD because of the abilities of modern medicine..