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Boron Elgar[_1_] Boron Elgar[_1_] is offline
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Default Here's a Question

On Tue, 24 Jul 2018 09:24:32 -0600, U.S. Janet B. >

>On Tue, 24 Jul 2018 09:59:16 -0400, Boron Elgar
> wrote:

>>Indeed, but in WWI, exposure to repeated battlefield explosions and
>>noises had the potential to cause brain contusions with no outward
>>sign of physical injury and certainly no advanced medical testing
>>capabilities available to confirm or deny them. Such injuries can
>>cause, among other symptoms, personality changes.
>>Such physical injury and symptoms could also overlap with the
>>existence of PTSD, which, though unrecognized then in the more
>>sophisticated way we now understand it , certainly existed. So, though
>>the disorders are quite different, the presentations can, in some
>>cases, have similar appearance.
>>Our understandings of both disorders are greater now, although there
>>is still tremendous misunderstanding and suspicion about either among
>>the lay public.

>and these days modern medicine has the ability to save the lives of
>many service personnel who would have died from battlefield injuries
>years ago. The sad fact is that death in earlier wars winnowed out
>many who now suffer PTSD because of the abilities of modern medicine..
