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Default Here's a Question

On Tue, 24 Jul 2018 22:00:12 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2018-07-24 9:47 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 7/24/2018 7:01 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:

>> We used to cross the Delaware River from Philly to New Jersey about 10
>> miles.* To my grandmother's it was a bus, train, trolley car.* Today our
>> parents would be locked up for letting us go.

>I was about 8 and my younger brother was 5 when my mother dropped us off
>at the western terminus of the street car route with directions and
>instructions to get to my grandparents house in East York, about 20
>miles and an hour and a half by street car and bus.

That was the point the study came up with - the helicoptered kids now
arrive in their teens unable to make crucial decisions because they
have never made any.

There is a woman who plays at our club who retired early from
Dalhousie University where she was a student counselor. She said all
her working life she had enjoyed her work up until the last few years
when the helicopter kids started arriving. She liked working with the
students, not their parents, so she retired early.

When my middle grandson complained about the school bus ride I
explained how I got to school in HK, from Aberdeen side of the The
Peak, all the way to Kowloon out by the airport he was most impressed
when he actually travelled to HK and figured my journey out He
sent me a card saying that yes, you win, worse than the school bus for