On 7/30/2018 5:43 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Jul 2018 17:32:58 -0500, Terry Coombs >
> wrote:
>> On 7/30/2018 3:19 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>>> On Mon, 30 Jul 2018 15:10:43 -0500, Terry Coombs >
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 7/30/2018 12:43 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>>>>> The corn is tasseling and all that pollen is driving the bees crazy.
>>>>> You can hear the hum from 30 feet away. There's at least a half dozen
>>>>> bees per stalk of corn. They are all wearing their pantaloons of
>>>>> yellow as they stagger around
>>>>> Janet US
>>>> Â* Is this commercially grown or in your garden ? If commercial , has it
>>>> been sprayed with Roundup ? There are differences of opinion , but my
>>>> take from the research I've read says that glyphosate is not good for
>>>> bees ... Just one of many reasons we live way out in the woods , no
>>>> commercial crops anywhere near us .
>>> It's my corn, in my garden and no spray of any kind.
>> Â* Then AWESOME !! Corn puts out a metric ton of pollen , and the bees
>> will be needing that come time to brood up next spring .
> I've always wondered where my bees live. How far will they forage for
> the hive? I know I don't currently have any bee keepers close by.
> Janet US
Â* Bees will forage up to 5 miles at need , but prefer to stay within a
3 mile radius of the hives . That's about 28 square miles of whatever
they can find . Mine seem to always go the same general direction when
the spring (only) flow is on . And there's nothing out there in that
direction but miles and miles of woods .
Yes , I'm old
and crochety .
Get off my lawn !