Pickle question
"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 31 Jul 2018 04:38:31 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>> I bought some Mt. Olive brand bread and butter pickles awhile back. I
>> have
>> bought that brand before but not sure that I bought the bread and butter
>> ones. I was jonahing for them so opened the jar and dished some up only
>> to
>> discover that they weren't very flavorful and they were mushy.
>> I put them in the fridge and forgot about them until now. Tried them
>> again.
>> Once chilled, they taste like they should and they have a nice crunch.
> The sliced pickles at the top of the jar are usually mushy since
> they often aren't covered fully with brine. Once you did down 1/2"
> inch to the fully submerged slices they're fine.
>> So my question is: Do pickles have to be refrigerated to taste good?
> In your house, who knows.
Thanks! That could be it!