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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default the bees have arrived

Terry Coombs wrote:

> On 7/30/2018 12:43 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> > The corn is tasseling and all that pollen is driving the bees crazy.
> > You can hear the hum from 30 feet away. There's at least a half
> > dozen bees per stalk of corn. They are all wearing their
> > pantaloons of yellow as they stagger around )
> > Janet US

> Â* Is this commercially grown or in your garden ? If commercial , has
> it been sprayed with Roundup ? There are differences of opinion , but
> my take from the research I've read says that glyphosate is not good
> for bees ... Just one of many reasons we live way out in the woods ,
> no commercial crops anywhere near us .

My apple trees get no treatment other than egg shells crushed and
spread at the bottom to add calcium at the soil. Honeybees love my
trees. I can't technically call them 'organic' as there's all sorts of
rules on that, but it's as close as you can get with a tree in your
yard and nothing done to it ther than add eggshells...