Bob wrote:
> Sam wrote:
> > we ate yesterday at an 'italian' resturant ordering spaghetti
> > bolognese.
> >
> > the plate was of macaroni spirals mixed about in bolognese sauce.
> >
> > it did not resemble my preconceptional idea that spaghetti bolognese
> > is a dish of cooked spaghetti or other long thin pasta with bologese
> > sauce neatly poured on the top.
> >
> > the waiter and the owners said that macaroni is the same as spagetti.
> > as i am not italian i felt i wasnt in a position to argue with people
> > who have been eating these dishes since their childhood.
> >
> > Maybe some here could enlighten me, can you use macaroni spirals and
> > still call it spaghetti bologese? would you serve it that way in your
> > resturant?
> I wouldn't call it SPAGHETTI Bolognese, but it actually sounds like what you
> got might have been better than what you thought you would get. The shape of
> the pasta isn't completely inconsequential; some pastas hold sauce better
> than others, and spaghetti isn't particularly good at holding sauce.
> The issue of tossing the pasta with the sauce has been discussed here
> before. The consensus was that saucing and tossing results in a dish with
> better flavor, and the (mostly American) practice of simply pouring the
> sauce on top of the pasta is an indication of laziness,
I take exception to that! My family has always done it that
way and none of them are lazy except me. But I don't do
it that way because I'm lazy - I do it that way because it
tastes better to me when done that way. Maybe it's just
because that's what I'm used to from having it that way
growing up, but I still like it better that way. I've
had it the other way and I don't care for it. Besides,
it all gets mixed up pretty well while you're eating it
so I don't see what's such a big deal about mixing it
> and results in the
> sauce not soaking into the pasta the way it should.
See that's what I don't like. I don't want the sauce
to soak into my pasta. I want the pasta to taste like
pasta, not sauce, and the sauce to be a separate taste.
I like the two to be separate things eaten together at
the same time to get a more complex flavor combination.
Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?