Four quarts
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Terry Coombs
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,389
Four quarts
On 8/7/2018 5:05 PM,
> On Tue, 7 Aug 2018 16:10:01 -0500, Terry Coombs >
> wrote:
>> Â* Of spaghetti sauce on the shelf , that is . Next year I'm planting a
>> lot more Roma tomatoes , the others just have too much juice , take a
>> long time to simmer down . Not that that's a bad thing , I'd be cooking
>> it that long anyway , but I'm ending up losing around 15% of the volume
>> to simmering out the excess water . I started with 5+ quarts , we had
>> some for dinner , and there was exactly 4 quarts left . This is a first
>> for us , we've usually just canned fruit and tomatoes and a few veggies .
> It doesn't pay to make tomato swauce from home growns,
Â* Bullshit
> they contain
> way too much water,
Â* I agree they have more than the optimum .
> by the time you cook off the water you'll have
> caramelized sauce, not very tomatoey flavored.
Â* Bullshit , that sauce simmered WAY WAY below the caramelization temp
- it got hotter in the canner at 240° than it ever got in the pot
simmering .
> The commercial sauce
> method is to warm the pureed romas in huge towers and the water is
> removed by creating a vacuum but the tomatoes aren't heated nearly
> enough to caramelize.
Â* I don't know anything about commercial processes . You learn that in
The Navy ?Â* I do know that the sauce tasted very very good last night
for dinner . Very tomato-y with an excellent light back-bite from the
crushed red pepper I used instead of my usual home-grown Serranos (I'm
really low , the ones left are kinda ehh) and a marvelous interplay
between the other spices and ingredients .
Yes , I'm old
and crochety .
Get off my lawn !
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Terry Coombs
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